Welcome to Saddleup Kennels & Horse Co

(Home of the German Shorthair Pointer & Gaited Horses)
"Established 1972"
(Training the German Shorthair Pointer and all the other Pointing Breeds)
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Trained the top AKC German Shorthair Pointer Gundog for 2012 -2013
Thank you for your interest in Saddleup Kennels a Licensed Training Facility. We specialize in the German Shorthair Pointer. We are located in the heart of Wild Bird Country in the middle of Kansas. We concentrate on the bloodlines of Dual Champion Hillhaven's Hustler and National Field Champion Tonelli's Rising Sun for the Discriminating Hunter or Field Trialer. We breed German Shorthair Pointers for all the Natural Ability, Style, Class, Bird Desire & Conformation. Our German Shorthair Pointers are just as comfortable in the Field, Show Ring, or in the Home. Thoughout the year we have selected breeding of top quality German Shorthair Pointers. If you demand the "Finest Quality in a German Shorthair Pointer" feel free to contact us.
The German Shorthair Pointer
The description of the German Shorthair Pointer is a versatile all-purpose gundog. The head is in proportion to the body. The length of the muzzle should be equal to the length of the head. The nose is brown in color with wide nostrils. The eyes medium in size and are dark in color. The ears should hang close to the head. The teeth or the bit should be correct. The chest should nice and deep. The tail should be docked by leaving 40% of the natural length. The dewclaws on the front feet may be removed. The skin is tight and thick and coarse to the touch. Coat color of the German Shorthair Pointer may vary from solid liver, liver and white, liver ticked or patches, white ticked or liver and white roan.
The temperament of the German Shorthair Pointer is a very energetic breed. The German Shorthair Pointer is a hunting dog by nature. The breed is known for being Protective, Clever, Eager and very willing to Please. The German Shorthair Pointer is a high energy level breed, best suited for a active family. The German Shorthair Pointer has a strong will to control.
The height and weight of German Shorthair Pointer males is 23-25 inches and females 21-23 inches. The German Shorthair Pointer male weighs 55-70 pounds and females 45-60 pounds.
Some health problems for the German Shorthair Pointer. The breed is usually very healthy, but can experience some hip dysplasia, epilepsy, hermaphrodism and lymphedema.
The family life with the German Shorthair Pointer is not recommended for a small apartment, as the breed does better with a large yard and active family. They may be able to jump a fence. A bored German Shorthair Pointer is a great Escape Artist.
The life expectancy of the German Shorthair Pointer is about 12-15 years
The grooming of the German Shorthair Pointer is very easy . To clean their coats, brush regularly with a firm brush. Check their feet and ears regularly. The German Shorthair Pointer is a average shedder.
The ancestors of the German Shorthair Pointer goes back to the Old Spanish Pointers, Bloodhounds, and the Foxhounds. The Germans wanted an all-purpose hunting dog, that has a good nose that points and tracks in water and the field. They also needed a dog that would hunt fur.

German Shorthair Pointer Female in the Show Ring

German Shorthair Pointer Male in the field pointing
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